Thursday 26 March 2015



Assalamualaikum and Hello everyone!

      This week I would like to tell you about the general description of the Agoda Information System. First of all, let me asking you. Do you know what is an Information System? If you don’t know about it. Let me explains to you guys. Information System is the activities that producing information from input to output and including the feedback.

      Now I will explain about the Agoda Information System. For you information, Agoda Company as the owner had using the online hotel booking system. They are using this system to make the end-users or the customers easier on getting the best hotel by online booking. They are freedom to choose the hotel that they want to stay with the affordable price due to their budget.

      Based on the chain above, it shows the process of providing technical support to maintain the information system by Agoda Company. First, it started from hotels until the end-users or the customers. The hotels around the world will give their information about the hotels respectively including control all the pricing and availability.

      Then the hotels can load property information, set room rates and allotment through the YCS. YCS also known as ‘Yield Control System’ which is the inventory and content management system. The benefits by using the YCS is the customers able to get the information directly and also through the Agoda website.

      Meanwhile, YCS is the back-end system provided to manage BE3. The BE3 is a free booking engine designed for selected Agoda partners. BE3 shows that the customers can make booking the hotel when they visit the website by view the rooms in the hotel and click on a booking button.

      Next, Agoda Company will managing the online hotel booking system. It is easy and faster by using the online booking system. As the end-users or the customers, you just need to go to their website (, and fill in the information by searching your destination neither in country nor in overseas.

      After that, they will show you the list of the hotels that you can stay when you want to travel or go for the holidays. Then you can view and choose the hotel that you interested one and booking them earlier before you go to the destination.

That’s all from me. I hope you can make your best destination by using Agoda. Thank you.

                                                                                                                 Posted by : Yasmin

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